Saturday, January 17, 2009

Surgical Posting

now in my second posting...surgical
already been informed by my kawan-kawan
O&G posting is like hell n surgical posting is a place worst then that...

firstly, Here we do TDS round (3 time rounds per day)
each one including houseman round, followed by Medical officer round, thn registrar thn surgeon...
basically 3 x 4 = 12 rounds...
The plans r always additive, never subtractive....

Secondly, It's infected with STAT virus (though i m a person who want things to be settle fast, yet.......)
FBC stat, BUSE stat, tract investigation stat, send booking slip stat, send gxm stat,
(FOR UR INFORMATION, STAT means immediately without any delay, it's few ranking higher then ASAP, it's --> as fast don't care how - ASDCH)

3rdly,houseman r like Paramecium in the ecosystem......
we do d PPK work, we do d nurses work n also d houseman work......
Yet we only get housaman pay...
PPK work like snail, depend them in the fulminat STAT virus world, patient will die n follwed by us...
Nurses, minimally are competent... it's usually "bukan saya punya cubical", "tak tahulah","saya tak ambil","semalam shift punya orang","mereka tak pass over lah","ye ke?"

4th. we dont really manage patient, we carried out plans.....
dextrose stick high ---> KIV to start s/c insulin
BP high ---> KIV to start antihypertensive
Fever with creps on d right lung --> KIV to start antibiotic after blood C&S, KIV chest X-RAY
it's another bug---> KIV bacilli

but at least i get to learn chest tube insertion, long lines, I&D
Hopefully can do appendicectomy la....

Just started my posting, this is how i felt, it might change at d end of the day,
it's a very "careful" posting and yet
i still like surgery =>