Thursday, December 18, 2008


Finished my medical posting d lo....
spending my last 1.5 weeks in nephro posting...
IJC stiches, guide wire exchange, blood C&S from infected IJC patient (blue, red lumen, peripheral), learn how to bungkus d IJC, Fem cathether nicely, did my stab peritoneal's a posting full of, fun, fun...

HD, STAB PD, CAPD, IPD, APD--> glad at least i knew what r they...
Renal dosing-->cant remember d dosing at all, but it's a must for renal pt
long term renal replacement plan--> ha... at least i know something...

will be missing ya -- medical(my kawan-kawan, MOs n specialist, and especially d wednesday n friday breakfast)
here i come -- surgical

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