After a long vacation from my beloved blog, i've return to u. Thanks to the heavy pressure and polluted kia-su atmosphere, there was no mood to write to U......At last i've finished my profesionnal exam for my third year in my uni, dunno whether i pass or fail, it still a relieve to me. Sense some temporily hapiness, thoungh permenant peace only be reached at this friday.
Seems alot of things happen around me lately which i think is an good exposure to me, a road needed to walk in order to be a betterman :) i think i would list the thought rather than classified it, if not it'll sounds too surgical......
1) Kia - su is inborn, just the "penetrance" is difference. You either control ur kia-su-ness or it crontrols u.
2) We judge ppl. No matter how un-bias we wanted to be, we judge ppl by their covers, their diseases which they r having, their gestures when they r eating, their attitude towards something. It's really funny that i always keep reminding myself - must respect other ppl especially their individual-ness or so-called personalities, yet i still cheat myself, gosh...
3) We need a lifetime to really know a person. When i thought i knew a person, then i realiazed tht i hardly ever knowing her (or him). It's a "fast-food" life, everything comes n goes, even relationship......
4) The one person tht ppl care the most is themselves. Ironically, sometimes we care for others to satisfied ourself. So who do we care the most? ......
5) We see things in our own perception .